Running Eagle Falls

Running Eagle Falls
Two Medicine, Glacier National Park

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cloudy Day

Saturday started off as a beautiful day.  So, we decided to venture out and about.  We started off at the shooting range.  I find it ironic that my husband and I both love shooting.  However, our equipment is somewhat different...

While I did fire off a few rounds, I then broke away to shoot with my "toy".  While we were out, some rain clouds were testing us letting out just minor sprinkles here and there.  I found some of the clouds to be quite unique and snapped a few shots.

Also while at the shooting range, I came across this old building.  Just out in the middle of nowhere.  I'm sure at some point in time it was new, inhabited and well-kept.  However, now, it is merely a shell.  But something intrigued me about this building.  Perhaps it was the setting out in the country, or just the stories it could tell of years gone by.  Either or, I had found a unique subject and took advantage of it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lessons Learned

I knew it had been a while since I posted to my blog, but when I signed on tonight I had no idea how long it had actually been!

My camera had to be sent in for service recently, which taught me a valuable's important to have a back up!  But another thing that happened was I got into a slump!  Not having my camera to "play" with daily, got me into a bad habit...not working.

I've had my camera back now for about two weeks.  I was able to take some pictures at Glacier National Park when my husband and I hiked to Ptarmigan Falls, but nothing I took really grabbed me when I got into processing on Photoshop. 

I've also been reading my photography magazines I get monthly and learned yet another lesson, I really need to learn more about PhotoShop.  What else could I be doing with my photos?

So, tonight, after finishing my blog, I'm going to put into effect a plan of action!  The kids will be going to school in two weeks, believe it or not, and I will have a lot more time for learning and shooting.  Although I'll miss them during the day, I'm kind of excited to see what opportunities lie ahead for my business!