Running Eagle Falls

Running Eagle Falls
Two Medicine, Glacier National Park

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, I've been spending a lot of time on marketing lately.  I'm trying to find any and every opportunity to market that I can.  A good business is only a good business if it has customers!  The only way to find customers is to get my name out there.  So, I've put together some new flyers that I'm going to hang around town. Tell me what you think! 

I'm pondering the idea of advertising in the newspaper, but will probably wait until we get back from Ohio to do that.  By the way, we will be arriving in ohio in less than 30 days!  I have a couple of sessions lined up and just donated a session to a charitable event while we are there.  But, the weather should be perfect when we get back for photos, so I hope to stay pretty busy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,
    These look great. Good luck and I hope it brings in some business for you.
